- Search widget: works with CPT taxonomies and has setting for CPT archives
- Filter search widget: ratins, star rating(accomm)
- ON/OFF switches now use iOS8 look
- widget shortcode plugin uses only theme widgets
- separate option to display star rating for accommodation in archive pages
- separate shortcodes into plugins
- maps shortcodes now can have multiple markers with windows
- use 1 widget for all CPT posts, sliders, taxonomies
- JS for admin
- make tooltips work in widgets
- code for help tabs in admin
- optimize saving of listings (posts), delete empty fields from db to save space and keep db optimised
- make archive and single settings for all post types
- show “from” with prices if there are more booking resources than 1
- use plural for CPT menu items
- remove helper functions to register CPTs
- load small image thumbnails in admin after image upload
- remove image sprites and embedd as svgs to reduce http requests
- move CPT help into wp help tab
- use unicode characters for featured and starred listings
- change less/css file names
- listing owner metabox UI
- wp admin CSS optimisation
- remove fade in effect for booking buttons on hover when column design is used
- wp admin markup of settings
- coding style for maps
- change variable name for latitude and longitute
- contact form widgets uses no inline script
- prices markup in archive pages
- currency format js
- homepage featured title for blog posts
- 2 settings
- map in featured area and post content
- js error when cloning rental
- timepicker popup for rental edit
- upload image for slideshows
- toggle payment gateway options if OFF
- show SSl option for eway only if self hosted option is ON
- centering of maps
- redundant params for slider/post widgets
- undefined ‘switch_to_blog’ function for tours
- sorting in archive pages
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